Greenville Council of Garden Clubs




The purpose of the Greenville Council of Garden Clubs, Inc. is to promote the love of gardening among amateurs; to promote and protect the growth of native trees, wild flowers and birds; to encourage civic plantings and civic beauty; to foster the creation of parks as memorials; to coordinate the activities of the member clubs; to be organized and operated exclusively for educational and charitable purposes; and to engage in all activities in the furtherance of said purpose which are not prohibited by the Internal Revenue code for tax exempt organizations.

The members of the clubs that make up the Greenville Council of Garden Clubs, Inc. take a vital personal interest in maintaining the ecological integrity and beauty of our community and, indeed, the Earth itself.  We consider its plants, creatures, water sources and land to be our sacred trust, and we love and protect them all for the benefit and enjoyment of the current inhabitants of this planet as well as for all the generations who will come after us.


  • Grounds Enhancement – The Council has worked with various garden clubs to identify and label all trees and shrubs on the Kilgore-Lewis grounds.  The Sudie Mulligan Wildflower Garden has been upgraded.
  • Educational Gardens – The Clarice Wilson Garden Club Butterfly Garden and CAFE’ Garden are among the many areas of our grounds that school children visit.  Materials for teachers and students have been developed by our garden club members to fit educational requirements and to encourage the appreciation and understanding of our natural world.
  • Spring Garden Tour – This annual event allows the public to see how immensely popular gardening is in our community and to enjoy several Greenville area private gardens.
  • Arbor Day – This annual celebration takes place on the grounds of the Kilgore-Lewis House and is held in partnership with the public schools, City of Greenville, TreesUpstate, and sponsoring industries.  
  • Birds! Encourage clubs and individual members to buy organic, shade-grown coffee and take part in the Great Backyard Bird Count.
  • Natural Backyard Wildlife Habitats – The Greenville Council of Garden Clubs will continue to partner with the South Carolina Wildlife Federation and other WAIT (Wildlife and Industry Together) partners in advocating environmental stewardship by establishing Carolina Fence Gardens and Wildlife Habitats.
  • Civic Environment – The Council will work with the City of Greenville Beautification Commission and Keep Greenville County Beautiful on city and county beautification and recycling programs.
  • Docents – The docents program of the Kilgore-Lewis House and Grounds promotes community relations by assisting members and visitors with information and tours. Volunteers welcome guests and give tours of our historic property.
  • Growing the Endowment – The Endowment to provide for our Headquarters site in perpetuity will continue to be publicized to our members and the general public, with special recognition for the first 100 individuals or clubs that donate at least $1,000 for this purpose.  They are honored as the Kilgore-Lewis Circle of 100 on a plaque which will be displayed in the House.
  • The Kilgore-Lewis House and Grounds – We will continue to be diligent in the ongoing maintenance and improvement of the historic house that serves as Council headquarters and the five and a half acres of land that surround it.  Projects  this year will include porch repairs, painting and reupholstering of furniture.
  • Presidents’ Garden – We will continue to honor those presidents who have served with the Council at a special location on our grounds.
  • Project Wildflower and Butterfly Gardens – The entire membership is committed to work with the state, county and city in conservation of flora and fauna.
  • Urban Forestry – The Greenville Council of Garden Clubs will sponsor an Urban Forestry education program and contests for the third grade classes of Greenville County schools. Winners will receive awards at the annual Arbor Day ceremony.
  • Floral Design Displays – Each club will contribute artistic displays during the year to help beautify the Kilgore-Lewis House. Plant materials will be identified by those who provide the displays.

AFFILIATIONS The Greenville Council of Garden Clubs, Inc. is a member of the following related organizations: