GCGC Awards

Council Awards to be Presented in 2025

To be considered for an award, all must be at Kilgore-Lewis House no  later than March 1, 2025.  In fairness to all, there will be no exception to this deadline.

DEEP Award
(Doing Effective Ecological Programs)
Donor: Gilstrap Roofing and Siding

The DEEP award is awarded to the most comprehensive and  effective program from community beautification and improvement, anti-litter, recycling, roadside development or Urban Forestry.  Eligibility is open to any organization.  Application must be made through the Awards Committee of the Greenville Council of Garden Clubs, Inc.   ($100 for First Place, $50 for Second and $25 for Third)

Docent Award
Donor: Marguerite P. Warren
No application Necessary

This award if given to the club whose members contribute the most hours as docents at the Kilgore-Lewis House from May 1 through April 30.  ($40) The docent chairperson will maintain records for this award. 

Environmental Education Award
Donor: Reid and Margaret McCarter
No Application Necessary

This award is given to the club whose members teach the greatest number of Urban Forestry classes in Greenville County public schools in preparation for the annual Arbor Day contest and celebration.  ($50) Chairperson of this program are responsible for keeping records of who teaches the most programs.

Garden Therapy Award
Donor: Greenville Council of Garden Clubs

This award is presented to an individual or club for sponsoring an  outstanding  program  of  garden  therapy  whereby  handicapped adult and/or children participate and receive noteworthy benefits. ($50 to clubs under 30 members and $50 to clubs over 30 members.)

Fran Swanson Artistic Design Award
Donor: Fountain Inn Garden Club

This award is given to the club member winning the most blue ribbons in the Artistic Division of any Standard Flower Show. ($25)

Frances Pitts Award
Donor: Mary Reeves

This traveling award is presented to the garden club winning the most blue ribbons in horticulture in a Standard Flower Show or Affiliated Special Shows.  The award was donated by Mr. Pitts in honor of Mrs. Frances F. Pitts, a Past President of the Council.  (This is a rotating silver award.) ($40)

Helen Fuseler Incentive Award
Donor: Sandra Hamann
No application Necessary

This is awarded to the club with the greatest percentage of active membership at the Greenville Council of Garden Clubs annual Spring Luncheon.  This is a rotating silver award. (1st place $40  2nd place$25)

Jeannette Hayward Landscaping Award

Donor: Karen Allen

This award is presented to a club for the most significant improvements of headquarters grounds.  Prior approval of all planting must be obtained from the Grounds Chairman.  The project may have started prior to the current year but must show major results within the award year.  No club may receive this award more than two consecutive years.  Mr. Hayward established this Award many years ago in honor of his wife, a Past President of the Council. ($25)

Kilgore-Lewis Grounds Maintenance Award
Donor: Sandra Hamann

This award is presented to a club whose members have contributed the most volunteer hours working on the grounds at Kilgore-Lewis.  Club Presidents are responsible for keeping record of the hours and filing an award application with hours worked per member. ($30)

Lois Russell Bowl
Donor: Mrs. Claude Russell for Lake Forest Garden Club

This bowl is awarded to a club member selected as the “Outstanding Garden Club Woman of the Year.”  Candidates will be considered on the basic of their contributions over a period of years to an individual club and Council.  Names may be submitted by a club or an individual to the Awards Chairperson for consideration.  The final selection will be made by a panel of three judges appointed by the Awards Chairperson.  Previous winners are ineligible.  This is a rotation silver award inscribed by Council.

Membership Incentive Award
Donors: Bobby and Alicia Elrod

This award will be given to the club that enrolls and maintains the highest percentage of increase in membership as reported at the time of the New Member Coffee in November. ($50)

Shirley LaGarde Environmental Improvement Award

Donor: Greenville Garden Club

This silver award donated by Shirley LaGarde is presented to a club or individual club member for meritorious effort in activities/projects to improve our environment (e.g., preservation of our natural resources: soil, water, air, forests, wildlife and wildflowers).  (It is a rotating silver award inscribed by Council.) ($50)

President’s Report Awards
Donor: Greenville Council of Garden Clubs

These awards are given to the garden club presidents whose yearly reports are judged most outstanding. Separate prizes are given for clubs with under 20 members, clubs with 20 to 30 members and clubs with over 30 members.  Each award receives ($50).

Yearbook Awards
Sponsor: Greenville Council of Garden Clubs, Inc.

These awards are for the best yearbook submitted in each of the following club size categories:

Clubs under 20 members                              Clubs of 30-44 members

Clubs of 20-29 members                                Clubs of 45-69 members

Two yearbooks will be submitted to the Awards Chairperson, one for Council judging and one for exhibition at GCGC headquarters.  Yearbook must be identical to those that club members receive. ($50)  Yearbooks must be turned in by September 1, 2024, to be eligible for awards.