Bride’s Guide for Wedding Photography

Guidelines for Portrait Photography at Kilgore-Lewis House

Whether your wedding will be at Kilgore-Lewis or not, it’s a perfect place to have your
wedding portrait made!
If a brideto-be has reserved Kilgore-Lewis for her wedding and/or reception, there is no
charge for her to have her portrait made here during our usual business hours ( 10am-2pm,
Wednesday through Friday).
If one of “our” brides prefers to be photographed at a time when we are not normally open, the
charge is $50 for 2 hours, and $25 per hour beyond that.
Brides who have other venues for their weddings and receptions often choose the historic KilgoreLewis House for their portraits, simply because it is so beautiful and easily accessible. For them, the charge
is $100 for a two hour session during our regular hours and $50 per hour beyond that.  At other pre-arranged times, they are charged $150 for the first 2 hours and $75 per hour beyond that.
In all cases, the House will be open and a staff member on site. Our Brides Dressing Room
will be available for the bride to change into her dress (and out of it later, of course!), and
photos may be made inside the House, in the gardens or on the front lawn.
Reservations for portrait sessions must be made in advance. You may telephone
864.232.3020 during our House hours or email to make a reservation.
Payment is due when reservation is made and is non-refundable.


Kilgore-Lewis House is located at 560 North Academy Street in Greenville, SC 29601
Telephone: 864.232.3020
E-mail: [email protected]