Greenville Council of Garden Clubs

Environmental Stewardship

The members of the Greenville Council of Garden Clubs were "green before it was chic".  Caring for our environment is our high priority to us at home, in our community as a whole, and at our headquarters location.

This spring, we are especially proud to see the results of a months-long effort to further enhance our seasonal gardens with the addition of hundreds of daffodils, planted by our members to honor or remember a loved one.

We work hard to keep the pond at Kilgore-Lewis both beautiful and healthy for the creatures who take advantage of our certified natural backyard habitat.  Using non-chemical means of removing pollution, we enjoy watching such diverse creatures as turtles and a great gray heron use it.

Our Council encourages all of our club members to provide "homes" for birds and wildlife by having their own yards certified as backyard wildlife habitats, and we are proud that some clubs have over 70% participation in this activity.

Our "dumpster" area contains marked recycle bins, which we encourage our guests and renters to use as we do.

Our Grounds Chairperson directs our volunteers in careful use of our natural resources, encouraging the culture of native plants which are drought-tolerant and will thrive in the conditions that exist in this area without wasting water to maintain them.

We began our own composting site several years ago, and it continues to be used and to serve as an educational project for adults and school-age gardeners.

Every one of our 18 garden clubs adopts special projects to add to the beauty of our community in a way that is respectful of the environment.  From gardening activities in schools and assisted living locations to maintaining gardens at community entrances and downtown buildings, members of GCGC put their time, energy and money into making Greenville ever more naturally beautiful in an environmentally responsible way.